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Trailer Loading
Trailer Loading with Stacy Westfall
What to expect in this video: Problem horse included!!!
1 of 10: Pre-trailer loading tips: things you should be able to do with your horse before you try to load your horse in a horse trailer. (5:25)
2 of 10: Sending your horse into the trailer (3:12)
3 of 10: Emotional control and sending over obstacles -- how having these things plays a part in trailer loading. (4:29)
4 of 10: Controlling your horse's body from a distance, being specific while at a distance. (2:53)
5 of 10: Sending a horse onto a trailer... what they look like when they don't want to go. (3:06)
6A of 10: Building the trust and communication needed for trailer loading...with a resistant horse. (4:45)
6B of 10: Building the trust and communication needed for trailer loading...with a resistant horse. (4:45)
7 of 10: Teaching a horse to stand still under pressure (3:56)
8 of 10: A horse struggling with emotional and physical transitions (5:31)
9 of 10: Putting the cues together, the last step before the trailer (5:08)
10 of 10 part A: Putting it all together at the trailer (3:47)
10 of 10 part B: Putting it all together at the trailer (5:04)
10 of 10 part C: Putting it all together at the trailer (3:50)
4 of 10: Controlling your horse's body from a distance, being specific while at a distance.
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